Old Win95 Bow And Arrow How Can I Format Xp Laptop To Become An Old Win95 ?

How can I format xp laptop to become an old win95 ? - old win95 bow and arrow

I have two games I like best before 7 Hour 11 guests and made, but Iam unforunatly can not use because I do not like XP, and certainly not like Vista. So somebody has an idea that can enlighten me please.


sewrobb said...

You do this, you will find a lot of problems. Windows 95 does not support the laptop. This is an operating system too old for the laptop and is designed to work with the specifications of the day.

All you can do is buy an old computer or 95 as the other tests have said that the compatibility wizard. Forget Vista, the pain in the butt is in any case, I really was not surprised not work under XP. I have many things to progress to 95 to 98 and now happily goes smoothly in XP.

Cyrus said...

You should be able to run on XP or Vista can, I thought I'm not sure how exactly.

I do not think Win95 will help because it does not work in many other applications. If you have a second PC or a laptop, that your other work, do not try it.

In general, you operate a download patches and new drivers.

Edit: What Alex is a good idea, I completely forgot about that lol. try the first, if not working, then find the latest patches.

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