F1 League How Do People Find Sponsors For F1 Racing?

How do people find sponsors for f1 racing? - f1 league

Who knows how to get to F1 Racing League to hold the competition on the street, not a sponsor, I am tired, I think would make a great Formula 1-driver


ALEXIS SFM said...

According to the formula of division races are different, and the Formula 1 is the highest. Since a formula is higher but it is usually two and three and the formula engine is so expensive that the country now, the majority should have previous sponsor of the prestigious sports car, the kart racing, the format of a project for the Scouts distribution and school. In particular, experience with the formula before it is rich to the family of sponsors career, the pay may take, but people living in poverty is a major player. There are even people who get the kart to start despite considerable financial difficulties, the Oscar, but after tasting formula with many competitors.

Sliteofh... said...

Best way is a sports car and go to a SCCA event and sign up and begin to participate and if you are as good as you say it, and they will come to you. If you are Hing and Solo II will follow the rest of his life.

titan said...

We do not find us!

They tell us how your offer to have their logo on the car, make a small bartaring and then see if someone is to overcome the money if you are not a treaty, their logo on our car has not received money. If someone can build on it, then return to them and tell them someone has offered more money for space in the car, they can not defeat, the other companies in the recording room of the car.

I hope you understand! haha!

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