Usda Calorie Counter What Is The Formula To Convert USDA SR21 Vitamins & Minerals Into The % Daily Value Based On 2K Calorie Diet?

What is the formula to convert USDA SR21 Vitamins & Minerals into the % Daily Value based on 2K calorie diet? - usda calorie counter

I use the USDA SR21 database to help me determine to how many calories I consume. Vitamins and minerals are in g, mg or mcg. How can they based in the percentage of daily value on a 2000 calorie diet?


Hari said...

1 shot of Bacardi is around 95-110 calories, depending on whether the shot is 1 oz or 1.25 ounces Obviously, Diet Coke has no calories. So drink plenty of water when you drink alcohol for the next day you feel like crap and you can choose to drink some more heart.
The proposed date for this database is as follows:

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2008th USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 21st Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page,

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